Which snake is a Lucas resident likely to encounter here in
Lucas, Texas?
There are only a few poisonous snakes to consider: Cottonmouths,
Copperheads, and Rattlesnakes.
1) The Western Cottonmouth (commonly called
water moccasins). Unfortunately, most water snakes are mistakenly called water
moccasins, but the only poisonous water snake around here is the Western
Cottonmouth. These guys are chunky snakes, about 3 or 4 feet long, usually dark
brown or almost black (but sometimes olive-brown or olive-green), and are
marked by dark, wide bands. They (and all venomous snakes) have slits for
pupils (while non-venomous snakes have round pupils) and a pointed snout.
Obviously, they prefer wet areas and generally eat fish. The cottonmouth gets its name from the white tissue inside
its mouth, which it displays when threatened. Its toxin is mostly hemotoxic
(affecting the blood and blood vessels). Cottonmouths feed on frogs,
fish, water snakes, eggs, lizards,
and other small vertebrates.
2) The Broad-banded
Copperhead. These guys are also thick-bodied but are smaller (usually about
1 ½ to 2 ½ feet long), have wide reddish-brown crossbands, a skinny neck which
makes their heads look large, slits for pupils, and a pointy snout. These snakes are found in rocky areas and wooded
bottomlands and are rare in dry areas. In the spring they can be found along
streams and rivers, as well as in weed-covered vacant lots. Its toxin is also
mostly hemotoxic affecting blood vessels and destroying red blood cells. Copperheads
eat insects, mice, frogs, and small birds.
Rattlesnakes. There are two main groups of rattlesnakes.
The more primitive form is a possible resident of our area (the Western
Massasauga) while there are three types of the more advanced forms (Western
Diamondback, Timber Rattlesnake, and Blacktail Rattlesnake) which may be
encountered. All of these snakes have venom which is both neurotoxic (nervous
tissues) and hemotoxic (blood cells and blood vessels). The Western Diamondback
Rattlesnake accounts nearly all of the serious cases of venom poisoning in
. In
Texas, breeding takes place both in spring and fall, when members of communally
denning species such as the diamondback rattlers are found in closest proximity
(during the summer they are dispersed over wide feeding ranges). The young are
born alive in early autumn, at which time newborns may appear in considerable
numbers, searching for the prey they must find promptly in order to survive
their impending hibernation. Many unfortunate encounters with rattlesnakes
occur around rural outbuildings where the snakes seek prey animals; other bites
occur when rattlers sheltering beneath piles of unused lumber are accidentally
3) The Western
Massasauga. These guys are light gray, with brown
oval blotches along the middle of the back and smaller blotches along each
side. They are about two feet long and found through the middle of the state in
grasslands, marshy and swampy areas. Not very common in our area but is an
occasional visitor. This guy is much less common here than the Western
Diamondback Rattlesnake. Usually nocturnal.
4) The
Timber Rattlesnake (also known as Canebreak
rattlesnake) is a large, heavy-bodied snake about 4 ½ feet long. Brown or tan
with wide, dark crossbands. Tail is entirely black. Found in the eastern third
of the state in wooded areas in wet bottomlands. We are on the very western
edge of this snake’s normal range.
5) The Blacktail
Rattlesnake is gray to olive green with dark
blotches along the back and a black tail. Averaging a length of about 3 ½ feet,
it is found from Central Texas throughout most of
in bushes and on rocky ledges. We are on the very eastern
edge of this snake’s normal range.
6) The Diamondback Rattlesnake. This is
the guy people are talking about around here when they say they saw a
rattlesnake. They are brown and have
diamond-shaped markings along the middle of the back and alternating black and
white rings on the tail. They can be really big snakes. Average adult size is 3
½ to 4 ½ feet but they can reach an impressive and intimidating seven feet
sometimes. This is the most common and widespread venomous snake in
, found in all but
the easternmost part of the state. They have the normal venomous snake slit
pupils and pointy snout. Their venom is about 30% more toxic than the other
rattlesnakes and yet fewer than 10% of people bitten actually die from the
bite. In prime conditions the young grow rapidly and shed their old skins every
six to twelve weeks. With each shed a new segment is added to the base of the
rattle-replacing the terminal sections that periodically break off like a
too-long fingernail. A rattlesnake’s age can not be determined by the length of
its rattle.